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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Wind up

wind up in hotels - phrasal verbs
wind up in hotels
This phrasal verb is a synonym of "End up" that means "Terminar, Acabar"


Most travellers would probably wind up in hotels either in Beverly Hills or downtown. - Muchos viajeros probablemente acabarían en hoteles en Beverly Hills o en el centro.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Cuando usar Me, Te, Le, Les, Nos in Spanish and English

Spanish Exercises indirect object pronouns
indirect object pronouns
I know it's a bit of confusing when to use Me, Le, Te, Les, Nos (indirect object pronouns) in Spanish, but I know that with some examples you will understand the differences.

Tell - Decir

I told you not to touch that. - Te dije que no tocaras eso.

She told me to run away - (Ella) Me dijo que huyera.

He told me to buy his car - (El) me dijo que le comprara su auto.

I told her to be quiet - Le dije (a ella) que se mantuviera en silencio.

I told him to stop eating - Le dije (a él) que dejara de comer.

I told them to turn off the music - Les dije (a ellos) que apagaran la música.

They told us how much they loved us - (Ellos) Nos dijeron (a nosotros) cuánto nos amaban.

Now it's your turn to do this exercise.

(Yo a el) ____  dije que no usaras el automóvil. - I told him not to use the car.

(Yo a ellos) ____  dije que no se comieran el pastel de la boda hasta que los novios llegaran. - I told them not to eat the wedding cake until the bride and the groom arrived.

(Ellos a nosotros) ____ dijeron que éramos unos buenos estudiantes. - They told us that we were good students.

(El a mi) ___ dijo que __ comprara su casa. - He told me to buy his house.

(Ella a mi) ___ dijo que me amaba. - She told me she loved me.

(Yo a ella) ___ dije que ella era muy bonita. - I told her she was very pretty.

Leave your comments - Deja tus comentarios.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Verbos con preposiciones (1)

Para hablar correctamente tanto en Inglés como en Español es necesario utilizar verbos con preposiciones. Pero debemos de comprender que no son Phrasal verbs (Verbo compuesto que significa otra cosa).
Algunos de los ejemplos que podemos mencionar son los siguientes:

Agree on a topic - Estar de acuerdo con un tema.
Agree with someone about a topic - Estar de acuerdo con alguién acerca de un tema.
Apply for a job - Solicitar un trabajo.

Care about - Importar

Focus on - Concentrarse en.
Hear about - Escuchar que, escuchar acerca de
Hear of - Saber
Hear from - Recibir noticias de.

Invest in - Invertir en.

Laught at - Reirse de.

Phone about - Hablar por teléfono para preguntar acerca de.
Pray for - Rezar por.

Speak with - Hablar con
Speak to - Hablar con
Sorry for - Disculparse por

Wait for - Esperar

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

to blow a fuse

Explotar de rabia. - To get too angry at something. A synonym may be "encabronarse mucho" but this is too informal and colloquial.


My dad blew a fuse when I told him I totaled his car. - Mi papa explotó de rabia cuando le dijé que su carro era pérdida total.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

to be a party pooper

Ser un aguafiestas. It's a person that likes to spoil the parties or good moments and doesn't agree with any plan. Alguién que le gusta arruinar una fiesta, reunión, o algún bonito momento y nunca está de acuerdo con algún plan.


Erika likes to be a party pooper. She never wants to go out with us and doesn't let his boyfriend to go out with us. - A Erica le gusta ser una aguafiestas. Ella nunca sale con nosotros ni deja salir a su novio.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

to drop off

Ir a dejar (a alguien o algo). A synonym in English is "to give a ride" (dar un aventón) and to deliver something or someone some place. 


Can you drop Ana off at the mall? - ¿Puedes ir a dejar a Ana al centro comercial?

Let's drop the sodas off at the party - Dejemos los refrescos en la fiesta.

Friday, September 21, 2012

In the club.

Today we'll learn vocabulary related to a night club.

The bouncer - El cadenero.
The hostess - La cabaretera.
Night club - Discoteca
The admission is free - La entrada es gratis.
The club is shutting down - Están cerrando la discoteca.
Reservation - La reservación
Chat up - Ligar
Cocktails - Cocteles.
Booze - Alcohol.
Entrance Fee - Precio de entrada
Cab - Taxi
Bar - Barra
We sat down at the bar - Nos sentamos en la barra.
Free bar - Barra libre.
Bartender - Cantinero. 
Barstool - Banco alto
The Bill, cheque, check - La cuenta
Bottle opener - Destapador.
Cashier - Cajero
Cash out - Corte de caja.
Corkscrew - Saca corchos.
Cut off - Dejar de servir alcohol. To stop serving a customer any more alcohol.
Designated Driver - Conductor designado.
on the rocks - en las rocas. (with ice only)
Restrooms - Baños
Separate cheques - Cuentas separadas. A different bill for each group of friends in the same table.
straight up (adj) - Solo . For example he always has a straight up glass of rum after the dinner.
Double - Doble . Two shots of alcohol in one drink.
Predrink - Beber antes de ir a la discoteca.
inebriated (adj) - Ebrio. 
To become excessively inebriated - Ponerse muy ebrio.
Drunkdriving - Manejar borracho.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The UK, Great Britain and England differences.

The UK, Great Britain and England.

Sometimes some British people get mad when we say their nationality because we don't even know exactly the difference between England, Britain, and the United Kingdom (UK). We take for granted that they all are British and they may get angry. Algunas veces algunos británicos se enojan cuando les decimos su nacionalidad porque ni siquiera sabemos exactamente la diferencia entre Inglaterra, Gran Bretaña y el Reino Unido. Damos por sentado que todos ellos son británicos y los podemos hacer enojar.

So let's bear in mind the following. Así que recordemos lo siguiente.

England is a country, where London is the capital. Inglaterra es un país en donde Londres es la capital.

Britain is a place that comprises of 3 countries: England, Wales and Scotland. La gran bretaña es un lugar que tiene 3 paises: Inglaterra, Gales, y Escocia.

The United Kingdom is an Area formed for 4 countries: England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. El Reino Unido es una área formada por 4 países: Inglaterra, Gales, Escocia e Irlanda del norte.

The adjectives that use to refer those countries are: Los adjetivos que usamos para referirnos a esos países son:

English. Inglés.
British. Británico.
Welsh. Galés.
Scottish. Escocés.
Scotch. This adjective is used usually for food and drinks. Scotch whisky, Scoth pie, etc. Escocés. Esté adjetivo es usado normalmente para comida y bebidas. Whisky escocés, pay escocés.
Scots. Escocés.

And now let's see the nouns: Y ahora veamos los sustantivos:

English. It refers to the language. Inglés. Se refiere al idioma.
The English. It refers to the English people. Los ingleses. Se refiere a las personas.
Englishman. It refers to an English male person. Inglés. Se refiere a un hombre inglés.
Englishwoman. It refers to an English female person. Inglesa. Se refiere a una mujer inglesa.
Briton. It refers to a british citizen. Británico. Se refiere a un ciudadano británico.
The british. It refers to the people. Los británicos. Se refiere a las personas.
Welsh. It's the language. Galés. Es el idioma.
The Welsh . They are the people. Los Galeses. Son las personas de Gales.
Welshwoman. A female person from Wales. Galesa. Una mujer de Gales.
Welshman. A male person from Wales. Galés. Un hombre de Gales.
The Scots. The people from Scotland. Los escoceses. Las personas de Escocia.
Scots. It's the language. Escocés. Es el idioma.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

to put the bait out

Sacar la carnada. - It means to put a trap or the bait to catch an animal or someone.


My girlfriend put the bait out and we got married - Mi novia sacó la carnada y nos casamos.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

One man's trash is another man's treasure

This idiom is very useful and it means in Spanish "Lo que alguién desecha, para otro es un tesoro".

What one person considers something worthless, it is valuable for someone else. Lo que una persona considera algo que no sirve, para otra persona es de valor.


Jane's aunt is always going through people's garbage, looking for old boxes. One man's trash is another man's treasure. - La tía de Jane siempre está buscando cajas viejas en la basura. Lo que alguién desecha para otro es un tesoro.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The shoemaker's son always goes barefoot

En casa del herrero cuchillo de palo, en casa del herrero asadón de palo. - it's when someone who can do the job they don't do it because they're lazy.


The doctor's son is very sick, yeah the shoemaker's son always goes barefoot - El hijo del doctor está muy enfermo, si, en casa del herrero asadón de palo.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

To work a treat

(BrE) To be very effective. - Ser muy efectivo.


If you want to burn some fat, try fat burner pills, it works a treat!. - Si quieres quemar grasa, prueba las pastillas de fat burner , son muy efectivas.

Noun Adj Verb Adv starting with S

We always have troubles to learn the correct words that's why I'll write down a list of them.

Noun Adjective Verb Adverb

sadness sad sadden sadly
tristeza triste entristecer tristemente

sadist sadistic --- ---
sádico sádico

sadism --- --- ---

safety safe secure safely
seguridad seguro asegurar con seguridad

sand sandy sand down ---
arena arenoso lijar, pulir

satisfaction satisfactory satisfy satisfactorily
satisfacción satisfactorio satisfacer satisfactoriamente

--- satisfied --- ---

saving --- save ---
ahorro ahorrar

searcher --- search ---
buscador buscar

--- snug snuggler ---
cómodo y calientito acomodarse

soap soapy soap ---
jabón jabonoso enjabonar

sculpture --- sculpt ---
escultura esculpir

sculptress --- --- ---

sculptor --- --- ---

surface superficial surface superficially
superficie superficial emerger superficialmente

superficialty --- --- ---

Friday, September 14, 2012

It dawned on me

To realize, to understand. Darse cuenta, entender.


It dawned on me that she'd been joking and I was worried for no reason. - Me di cuenta que ella había estado bromeando y yo estaba preocupado sin razón alguna.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Going to a Concert Vocabulary.

Going to a Concert Vocabulary.

theater - teatro.
arena, stadium - estadio.
stage - escenario.
backstage - atrás del escenario.
aisle /ail/- pasillo.
bleachers - gradas (al aire libre).
stands, terraces - gradas.
seat - asiento.
stalls - luneta, patio de butacas.
box - palco.
box seats - asientos en el palco.
GA floor, or General Admission Floor ( it's basically an open floor with no seats, it can be indoors or outdoors depending on the venue) - El lugar de admisión general que esta justo enfrente del escenario, normalmente no hay asientos y hay que estar parado.
venue (it's the place where the concert is performed) - local.
front row - primera fila.
lawn seats - son los lugares más alejados del escenario.
stadium parking lots - estacionamiento en el estadio.
gates - puertas de entrada, salida.
lost and found office - oficina de objetos perdidos.
admission ticket - ticket, boleto de entrada.
audience - público.
fans - admiradores.
out of tune - desafinado.
encore! , one more! an additional performance added to the end of a concert - otra!
tailgate parties , it's a social event held in the tailgate of a vehicle at a stadiums and arenas' parking lots before or after a game or concert. - picnic en el estacionamiento de un estadio.
concert fencing (crowd control barriers) - vallas metálicas para concierto.

line,queue - la cola.
band - la banda, el grupo.
gig - concierto, tocada.
repertoire - repertorio.
lyrics - letra.
song - canción.
music - música.
audience - público.
fans - admiradores.
out of tune - desafinado.
encore! , one more! an additional performance added to the end of a concert - otra!

Are seats numbered, or is seating General Admission? - ¿Están los asientos numerados, o son de admisión general?
Where are my seats located? - ¿En dónde están mis asientos?
What things am I not allowed to bring into the Stadium? - ¿Qué cosas no se me permiten entrar al estadio?
What can I bring into the Theater for a concert? - ¿Qué puedo traer al teatro para el concierto?
What time do the gates open? - ¿A qué hora abren las puertas?
If I arrive early, what gate do I use? - ¿Si llego temprano, por cuál puerta entro?
It's raining now, is the show rained out? - Está lloviendo ahora , ¿se va a cancelar el concierto (por la lluvia)?
Where are the restrooms located? - ¿En dónde están los baños?
Where is the lost and found office located? - ¿En dónde está la oficina de objetos perdidos?
May I bring my own lawn chair? - ¿Puedo traer mi propia silla?

I've been having a lot of troubles with blogger. Many of the vocabulary had links to see the pictures, suddenly blogger when I posted it, changed the format. I wasn't able to fix it up. If you want me to send you the file with the links. Please leave me a comment in the contact section and I'll send it to you.

He tenido muchos problemas con blogger. Muchas palabras del vocabuario tenían links para que pudieras ver las fotos y fuera más fácil el aprendizaje, sin embargo no pude resolver el problema y no pienso invertirle mas horas en hacer todo de nuevo. Si quieres te puedo enviar el archivo con los links en las palabras para que puedas ver las fotografías solo deja un comentario en la sección de contacto.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Different folks, different strokes.

I would say that the equivalent phrase in Spanish would be "Cada cabeza es un mundo diferente" because it refers that people do things in different ways. differe

Let's see an example:

My classmate opened a store and doesn't promote it. I helped him to do a sales strategy but you know different folks, different strokes.

Mi compañero de clase abrió una tienda y no la promueve. Le ayudé a hacer una estrategía de ventas pero tu sabes que cada cabeza es un mundo diferente.

I told them to wear a nice outfit to attend to the weeding, but they dressed as in the picture. Different folks, different strokes.

Les dije que se pusieran un bonito conjunto para ir a la boda, pero ellos se vistieron como en la foto. Cada cabeza es un mundo diferente.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Chip on

Cooperar (con dinero) para algo - To chip on , To give some money to someone for a purpose.


Let's chip on for throwing the party - Cooperemos para hacer la fiesta.

Hate your guts

Odiar a alguien - Hate someone's guts, to really hate someone.


She hates his guts after she realized he cheated on her. - Ella realmente lo odia después de haberse dado cuenta de que el la engañaba.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Raise and Rise

En general ambos significan Levantar, Aumentar. They're a synonym of ascend. To raise / To rise. /Reiz/ /Raiz/

La unica diferencia es que raise va acompañada de un complemento y rise va sola sin complemento. The only difference is that raise needs a complement and rise is by itself.


Raise your hand - Levanta tu mano.

The run always rises in the East - El sol siempre (sale / se levanta) por el Este

You can't hide elephants in mouseholes

No puedes tapar el sol con un dedo - You can't hide elephants in mouseholes. It means that some problems cannot be hiden. Significa que algunos problemas no pueden ser ocultados.


The debts of my city rised 200%, the major can't hide elephants in mouseholes. - Las deudas de mi ciudad aumentaron 200 por ciento, el alcande no puede tapar el sol con un dedo.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

cheer someone's up

Animar a alguien - Cheer someone's up, to make someone feel better. Hacer sentir bien a alguien.


Eating some chocolate will cheer you up - Comer un poco de chocolate te animará.

to rub salt in/into the wound

Echarle limón a la herida - to rub salt in/into the wound. To make a difficult situation worse for someone. Hacer que una situación difícil empeore para alguién.


After the fraud, The politician celebrating his victory rubbed salt into the wound. - Después del fraude, el político celebrando su victoria le echó limón a la herida.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rip one's off

Timar, Estafar. - Rip one's off . To steal , to cheat someone.


I changed my smart phone for an old bike.
The next day the bike didn't start because it's a piece of junk.
Aww no, the guy ripped me off.

Cambié mi celular inteligente por una motocicleta vieja.
Al siguiente día la motocicleta no prendió porque es un cacharro.
Oh no, el chico me timó/estafó.

To burn the midnight oil.

Quemarse las pestañas - To burn the midnight Oil. To work very hard until the wee hours of the morning. Trabajar duro hasta altas horas de la madrugada.


I burnt the midnight oil studying for the TOEFL - Me quemé las pestañas estudiando para el TOEFL.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Let down

Defraudar - To dissapoint someone. Let someone's down.


You're invited to the business meeting , don't let me down - Estas invitado a la reunión de negocios, no me defraudes.

In colloquial Spanish we say " Quedar mal " - Don't let me down - No me vayas a quedar mal.

to put one's foot in it

Meter la pata. - When someone says something that shouldn't have said and cause a problem for not be quiet. To put one's foot in it


The organizer of a party forgot to invite Jessica. The next day Tom, a friend of her, put his foot in it, and now she has a chip on her shoulder. - El organizador de la fiesta olvidó invitar a Jessica. Al día siguiente Tom, un amigo de ella, metió la pata, y ahora ella está resentida.

Another way of saying Meter la pata could be "regarla". Example: La regaste - You put your foot in it.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Have a chip on your shoulder

Estar resentido - To feel angry all the time because you think you are not treated fairly. To have a chip on your shoulder.


My secretary has a chip on her shoulder because nobody invited her to the office's party. - Mi secretaria está resentida porque nadie la invitó a la fiesta de la oficina.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Me caiste muy bien.

Meaning: I became fond of you.

It's a expression we use a lot to refer that you become fond of someone, because that person is a good friend, cool, and because you get along well with that person.


Después de hablar unos minutos contigo, me caiste muy bien - After talking with you for some minutes, I became fond of you.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Kuala Lumpur

Today I saw a spanish tv program about the spaniards living abroad. It is so amazing that there are some spanish people living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
A guy said that he doesn't feel to be a foreigner there because it's a cosmopolitan city. In fact there are 4 big groups of people: malay, chinese, indian and the rest of the population is from the rest of the world.
The rent of a flat is not expensive, so to speak, a nice flat in a building with a swimming pool and a common area costs 600 euros.
The food is cheap around 2 euros, and it's curious because people eat all day long. There are nice places to visit, good restaurants where there are performances, and good nightclubs.
The weather is hot and humid, and the best thing is that everybody speaks English.

Hoy vi un programa de televisión española acerca de los españoles viviendo en el extranjero. Es sorprendente que hay españoles viviendo en Kuala Lumpur, Malasia.
Un chico dijo que no se sentía como extranjero porque Kuala Lumpur es una ciudad cosmopolita. De hecho hay cuatro grandes grupos de personas: malayos, chinos, indios y el resto de la población son del resto del mundo.
La renta de un departamento no es cara, por así decirlo, un apartamento bonito en un edificio con alberca y una área común cuesta alrededor de 600 euros.
La comida es barata alrededor de 2 euros, y es curioso porque la gente come todo el día. Hay lugares bonitos para visitar, buenos restaurantes donde hay actuaciones, y buenos club nocturnos.
El clima es caliente y húmedo, y la mejor cosa es que todos hablan inglés.

Get by

Arreglárselas. - to get by - to manage.


Although she didn't speak Spanish well, she got by in Spain. - Aunque ella no hablaba español correctamente, ella se las arregló en España.