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Sunday, August 2, 2009

new words

Cul de sac - Callejón sin salida
Slaughterhouse - Matadero
Cannon fodder - Carne de Cañon
Off license - Tienda de licores
Bathing suit
Bathing swim

Street island - Camellón
Whiz - Act of urinating
Radish - Rábano
Tinned tomato soup- Sopa de tomate enlatada.
Cleavage - /'kli:vɪdʒ/ n countable or uncountable
escote m

Greenery - Vegetation
Heavy goods vehicle- Lorry, truck
Gaming - Playing electronic games
Draught /draf:t/- draft. Flow of cold air.
To flicker (of flames) move erratically.
Draught-proofing strips- Tiras de hule espuma que se pone alrededor de puertas y ventanas.
Door-brush. -brush-like attachment to the bottom of a door that helps to exclude draughts.