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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Titanic Analogy

Hoy vamos a hablar de la analogía de vida del Titanic.

El barco es tu país.
Hay varios pisos en el barco con 3 tipos de clases, clase baja, media y alta. Que representa a las clases sociales: pobres, clase media, y ricos.
El capitán del barco representa a nuestros gobiernos. El capitán es el que tiene el control del barco y cuando ve el iceberg ya es demasiado tarde para cambiar el rumbo.
Vamos directo al iceberg y ningún pasajero puede hacer algo para cambiar esto. Esto es lo que realmente nos esta pasando a todos.

Today we're going to talk about the analogy of life of the Titanic.

The vessel/ship is your country.
There are many decks/floors in the ship with 3 type of social classes such as lower, middle and upper class that represent the poor, middle class guys, and rich.
The master of the vessel represents our goverments. The master has the control of the ship and when he sees the iceberg it's already late to change the direction.
We are heading through the iceberg and any passenger can do something to change that. That's what we all are going through.

What do you think? If I have a mistake please let me know. Thank you.