We can start off with one word. Then we can look at the dictionary for compound words and words related to the word we learn.
For example:
Let's think about the word "Hand" (Mano). Now we can write down the words that are related to it.
Hand - Mano
Left/Right hand - Mano izquierda , mano derecha.
He's left-handed - El es zurdo (usa la mano izquierda).
She's right-handed - Ella es diestra (usa la mano derecha).
Hands off! - Quita las manos de ahi!
Hands up! - Arriba las manos!
To have my hands tied - Tener mis manos amarradas/atadas.
The hand of God - La mano de Dios.
Farm hand - Peón.
Hand in - Entregar.
Hand out - Repartir , distribuir.
Hand over - Pasarlo . Hand it over ! - Pásamelo.
Handbag - Bolsa.
Handshake - Apretón de manos.
To shake hands - Darse las manos.
Handwriting - Letra.
Handwriten - Escrito a mano.
Give me a hand - Échame una mano.
It's out of my hands - Está fuera de mis manos.
It's in hand - Está bajo control.
handcuffs - Esposas.
Now guys you can write down a list of words. You can comment and write examples in this blog.