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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Noun Adj Verb Adv starting with S

We always have troubles to learn the correct words that's why I'll write down a list of them.

Noun Adjective Verb Adverb

sadness sad sadden sadly
tristeza triste entristecer tristemente

sadist sadistic --- ---
sádico sádico

sadism --- --- ---

safety safe secure safely
seguridad seguro asegurar con seguridad

sand sandy sand down ---
arena arenoso lijar, pulir

satisfaction satisfactory satisfy satisfactorily
satisfacción satisfactorio satisfacer satisfactoriamente

--- satisfied --- ---

saving --- save ---
ahorro ahorrar

searcher --- search ---
buscador buscar

--- snug snuggler ---
cómodo y calientito acomodarse

soap soapy soap ---
jabón jabonoso enjabonar

sculpture --- sculpt ---
escultura esculpir

sculptress --- --- ---

sculptor --- --- ---

surface superficial surface superficially
superficie superficial emerger superficialmente

superficialty --- --- ---

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