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Friday, August 24, 2012


Hi guys we will have some fun today singing this song called "Titanium".

I want you to pay a lot of attention to the pronunciation of the lyrics. Pay a lot of attention to the word "Titanium" and comment how do you pronounce it. Is the first i long or short?

En español se pronouncia algo asi como "tai tei ni om" y esta pronunciación es del inglés americano.

Enjoy it.

Pick up

Pick up - Recoger a alguién o algo.


I picked up my friend who arrived in my city - Recogí a mi amigo quien llegó a mi ciudad.

Please pick up your toys. - Por favor recoge tus juguetes.

The girls are picking up the trash. - Las mujeres están recogiendo la basura.

My heart was in my throat

My heart is in my throat - Tener un nudo en la garganta


His heart was in his throat when he went into the interview for the job. - El tenía un nudo en la garganta cuando fue a la entrevista de trabajo.