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Thursday, August 30, 2012

To be in his element

Ser como pez en el agua. To feel very comfortable and be familiar with something.


Gloria is in her element when it comes to selling something - Gloria es como un pez en el agua cuando se trata de vender algo.

Come over

Venir (a visitar) - To visit , to come over.


Are you going to be free in the evening? Why don't you come over? - ¿Estarás libre en la tarde?, ¿por qué no vienes?.

My friend is comming over tonight - Mi amigo viene (a visitarme) esta noche.

By the end of the week

It means no later than the end of the week.

Cuando veas la preposición by y después una palabra relacionada al tiempo. Significa que no te puedes tardar mas de esa fecha,día, hora limite para hacer algo.

When you see the preposition by plus a time expression or word, it means that there's a limit to do something, you can do it on that date, day, hour or before, but you can't do it after.


You have to finish the report by 4 pm - Tienes que terminar el reporte a más tardar a las 4 pm.

I'll come back home by Friday - Regresaré a casa a más tardar el viernes. (It means that I'll come back home either Friday or before, but not later).