The exposition to the sun is accumulative, If you are too exposed to it you may end up getting skin cancer. On vacations and everyday we stay outside we should take care of our skins. I've heard that we should put on some sunblock before going outside. A doctor said that If we don't have enough money to buy expensive products for the skin, at least we should buy sunblock and use it everyday. In the long term the skin will look better than the people who have been exposed to the sun lights without protection.
I live in a country where it's warmer and hot most of the year, and well I clean my face and I put a hydratation cream and that's it, but I don't protect from the sun. I need to get a peaked cap or a beach hat and some sunblock.
I know that in cold places the people take advantage of the summer time and travel to a hotter place and take sun baths. I don't know if that's good or not for the skin, but it's good for their bones.
Better safe than sorry.