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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Another spanish note

Hi Guys =) Thank you for visiting my blog.
This time I'm going to talk about something about Spanish that it's really easy to understand but sometimes we don't know how to conjugate it.
It's a pain in a neck to learn this correctly.
If we use the verb print -IMPRIMIR- and you need to say Have you printed the document already? We have to say - ¿YA IMPRIMISTE EL DOCUMENTO?. Is it printed? - ¿ESTÁ IMPRESO?
Another dificult thing is to express if you fit in a little space, for example when you're on a bus and you want to sit, and there are no room to swing a cat because of the distance between seats, and you have to say that you don't fit there. So you must say NO QUEPO. QUEPO comes from the verb CABER.
The big mistakes that we made are:

I hope this will be a great help. Please leave their comments.