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Friday, March 11, 2011

Our Brain

Hi my friends. It's good to see you.

Before start writing I want to say that I'm with the people of Japan. I'm really concerned about what happened there and I feel really sorry for the families that lost a relative.

Yesterday in a conversation with my family an interesting topic came up. My aunt was talking about a book she read the name of the book is "what if your other half instead of an orange is a grapefruit" (Que tal si tu media naranja es toronja). In that book the author explains how the men's and women's brains work, and what is interesting for men and women. Then my dad said that the human beings only use the 10% of their brain. And well in order to improve the capacities of the brain is required to do different things that we don't usually do in a normal day because in a day we do repetitive tasks. For example: We can blindfold ourselves and walk carefully in a room and experience new sentations, we can play a musical instrument like drums, the keyboard, guitar, etc. , we can learn new languages like chinese or japanese where we have to remember the strokes' order and the meaning of the characteres, we can write with our left hand if we're right-handed or vice versa. These are some of the examples we can do to develop our brain.

What do you think?