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Thursday, December 17, 2009

English verbs

Hi everyone long time no see. How have you been? This time i'm going to write a list of irregular verbs that are not common in a basic english level.

befall - sucederle/ocurrirle a
beget - engendrar
behold- contemplar/ mirar
bereave - afligir/desconsolar/perder un ser querido.
beseech - suplicar
bid - ordenar
bid - ofrecer
bind - atar, unir, encuadernar, comprometer
browbeat - intimidar
bust - romper, destrozar.
to go bust - irse a la ruina.
cast- echar, emitir un voto, moldear (metal).
chide - reprender
cleave - partirse, rajarse.
cling to - adherirse, aferrarse a.
dwell - morar, habitar.
flee - huir, escapar.
fling - lanzar, arrojar, tirar.
fling out - tirar cosas que no se quieren.
floodlight - iluminar con focos.
forbear - abstenerse.
God/Heaven forbid - Dios no lo quiera.
forsake - abandonar.
gainsay - contradecir, negar.
gird - burlarse-
hew - extraer, labrar.
inlay sth with sth - incrustar algo en algo.
knit - tejer, soldar (huesos)
leap - saltar, disparar (precios)
mow - segar (césped)
plead - defender, pretender, declarar.
rend - desgarrar.
rid of- librar de
get rid of - deshacerse de
rise - elevar, subir, salir (sol/luna)
shear - esquilar ovejas.
shed - deshacerse de (ropa), perder (accidentalmente), mudar de piel , derramar (lágrimas, sangre)
shit - cagarse (vulgar)
shoe = herrar (un caballo)
show - mostrar
show sb to = acompañar a alguien hasta (escoltandolo)
slay - matar, asesinar.
sling - lanzar, colgar.
slink - mover sigilosamente
slit - rajar, cortar. (ranura)
smite - golpear.
sow - sembrar
stick - pegar, adherir, atascarse (una puerta)
strew - desparramar, esparcir
stride - andar de zancadas.
strike - golpear, pegar, provocar.
string - atar con cuerda
strive - esforzarse.
swell - hincharse
swing - balancearse, columpiarse, girar, virar. (columpio)
thrive - crecer, prosperar economicamente.
throw - tirar, lanzar
thrust- empujar, impulsar, clavar.
tread /tred no suena la a/ - andar
wed - casarse
weep - llorar
wind - /waind pronunciacion/ - serpentear, enrrollar, girar llave.
wring - sacar, extraer, escurrir (ropa).
throw away - tirar, desperdiciar.
throw out - tirar, echar, votar, "despedirse"
throw up - vomitar
plead with sb to do sth - rogar
plead for - pedir.

Some other words

"don't make a big deal out of it".
"don't worry about it".
"ignore it".
to my mind = in my opinion.
"significant other" = "soul mate" = "other half".
podiatrist = foot-doctor
Sophia's been pilfering cheeseballs
pilfer - hurtar
miopia advanced
well when you get the prescription you can probably order them to your PO box address
presciption = graduación de los lentes
eye doctor = ophthalmologist = oftalmólogo.
the frames are expensive.
frames = armazón (de lentes)
contact lenses = lentes de contactos.
lenses = lentes (cristales, micas, etc)
landing pad & launch pad = pista de aterrizaje y de lanzamiento (plataforma de...)
gung ho = cuando alguien se emociona.
internal microphone
currency = moneda
saudi riyal
israeli shekel
ITL = italian lire
DRA = greek drachmas
Turkic countries
Persian Gulf
"it fills you up" = te llena
he feels you up = te palpa
a steep street
stubborn - testarudo
loose / wobbly = flojo
flirtateous = coqueta
set up