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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Feliz Navidad

En esta ocasión voy a practicar mi español.
Esta es una época en donde todos los catolicos cristianos y fiesteros nos gusta celebrar la navidad. Después de ir a la iglesia las familias acostumbran reunirse y cenar juntos. Mi familia es muy grande y nos reunimos muchisimos, aunque faltaron mas familiares y amigos. Cada familia llevó un platillo y al final cada uno agarra un plato y se sirve lo que quiera como si fuera un buffet.
En realidad no me servi mucha comida ya que me enfermé y no se me antojaba casi nada. Al pasar la noche, los niños tronaron unos cohetes muy ruidosos que hasta pensamos que habian roto el tinaco de la casa. Ultimamente los fuegos pirotécnicos son mas poderosos que los de mi época.
Nos tomamos unas fotos y yo ya no aguantaba la garganta ni el oido y despues ya en la madrugada me fui a mi casa a dormir. La verdad es que el tiempo se paso demasiado rápido.
¿Y ustedes como celebran la navidad? Siempre es bueno reunirse con la familia y los amigos, ¿no lo creen? Feliz Navidad!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chat rooms

Hi everybody, lately I've invited to some chat rooms, and some of them are not so good, especially because not everybody has the same English level and most of the time it's more like a waste of time. So I think it's much better if you get few friends with the same or better level of English and the same interests, chat and voice chat with them. And do it frequently.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Reading a book

Well, another way to improve your language skills is by reading a book or e-book. Firstly you have to choose a topic which you are interested in, for example you can choose Statistics. Second, get a book about it and some package software to edit it if you get a pdf document. Finally read all the book loudly, outline and point out the words and sentences you don't know and write down the meaning and the pronunciation of the things you don't know.
Remember to schedule a specific time to do it everyday. Be consistent.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Christmas is coming soon. I know that many of yours don't celebrate it, but in my case I do it. I personally like it because I meet my relatives and friends who live so far from my place. We usually have dinner on December 24th and we say some words to thank for the food and the time.
Depending on the family size, people between 2 and more than 100 get together, chat, drink, and eat.
Many dishes are prepared for the dinner, you can get chicken, salmon, pork, stuffed turkey, shrimps, rice, spaguetti, pasta, many different kind of salads such as apple salad with cheese, cream and nuts, roman salad, etc, bread, beans, etc. The point is that you can share that beautiful moment and get along well with your buddies. At the end i think that everybody is your buddy no matter if they're your relatives or not.
You can also get some drinks such as wine, hard cider, wisky, scotch, brandy, rum, tequila, soda, juice, water.
Many families rent a band to have them play some music, or they rent a dj to dance all the night.
Children and youngsters buy and burn fireworks and from time to time some of them get an injury due to the bad manage of the explosive fireworks. But that's nothing that a surgeon can fix. lol
The next day like most of the people get a hangover or they don't sleep well a turkey soup with potatoes and chilli is prepared and I have to say that this is the best soup I've ever tried after Christmas dinner. The leftovers usually are enough to prepare some baggels or any other thing, and again people keep the conversation flowing.
Some people interchange gifts and others don't, that's not necessary.
In conclusion I think that this season is to be with the people we love and the rest of the things don't matter. So be happy and enjoy this time with your pals.

Merry Xmas

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Working out

I try to follow this routine to keep myself fit. I don't follow any diet because I consider that I burn enough calories doing this and apart from that my meals are healthy I don't count the calories or whatsoever. I just have a pair of dumbells that weight 20 pounds each one. I drink a lot of water and I don't eat candies. What I usually eat are chicken, rice, beans, tortilla, meat, a lot of veggies and fruits. I hardly ever eat sausaces, ham, pork, fast food or junk food just once or twice a month. I eat little bread. I just have 3 meals a day only

If you don't have a good physical condition I suggest you to train little by little, you can walk first, then do some exercises, don't use any weight or use little weight. Take some rests until your heart beat returns to normality

Before and after doing any kind of exercise I always warm up my muscles and stretch them I took me 10 to 20 minutes.

If you want to loose weight you can walk 30 minutes per day during one month, work out 3 days per week and drink a lot of water. In the second month you have to jog 3 times per week and the other 3 days work out, you can interchange one day of working out, the next day jogging, and so on. Remember that after jogging you have to do abdominals.

I used to jog as well 3 times a week but I got injured so I'm getting over it. Jogging is a good cardio exercise. I suggest that If you feel any strain stop to do that until you are recovered.

Go to the doctor to have a checkup if you have any problem.

I wrote the links so you can see how the exercises are done.

If you get bored of doing this routine, look for other exercises. There are plenty of them on the internet.

Let's the ball rolling!. See you around!


1. Squats. 4x10.

2. Lunges. 4 x 20.

3. Inverse lunges. 4x20

4. Calf rise. 4x10. (3 different positions, normal, tips in, tips out)

1. Shoulder press. 4x10.

2. Military press. 4x10.

3. Barbell upright row with dumbbells. 4x10.


Video 1 30 seconds each exercise.

Video 2 10 repetitions each exercise.


1. Dumbbell row. 6 x 10.

1. Alternating curls. 4x20.

2. Alternating hammer curls (standing with dumbbells). 4x20.

3. Concentration curl. 4x10 each arm.

Video 1 30 seconds each exercise.
Video 2 10 repetitions for each exercise.


1. Push ups 5 x 10

If can't do the normal push ups, try this.


1. Dumbells triceps extensions with 2 hands. 4x10.

2. Triceps kick backs. 4x10.

3. Dumbells triceps extensions with 1 hand. 4x10 each hand.

Video 1 30 seconds each exercise.
Video 2 10 repetitions for each exercise.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sayings and expressions

We're going to learn some sayings and expressions today. I hope you enjoy them.

Realmente me gustaría poner a alguien en su lugar. Actually, I'd like to put someone in his place.

Date prisa! que es para hoy!. Step on it! Get your skates on!

Me importa un bledo. I don't give a damn.

Hoy por mi, mañana por ti. You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours.

Más vale prevenir que lamentar. It's better to be safe than sorry

Aqui mis chicharrones truenan. I'm running this show.

Destapar un hoyo para tapar otro hoyo. Don't rob Peter to pay Paul.

Dando y dando, pajarito volando. Cash and carry.

Mucho ruido y pocas nueces. All talk, no action.

Las apariencias engañan. Never judge a book by its cover.

Hacer San Lunes. To have Monday pneumonia.

A lot of people have Monday pneumonia at least once a month.

Feliz San Lunes a todos!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Texto en Español

Hola a todos. A pesar de que no los conozco solo quiero que sepan que me alegra que mucha gente de todo el mundo visiten mi blog.
No se realmente que cosa les gusta de mi blog ni se sus edades ni sexo ni mucho menos sus nombres a excepción de un par de amigos con los que me llevo muy bien.
Como ya saben practicamente escribo en Inglés y muy pocas veces en Español o en Portugués. Espero que en un futuro pueda escribir en mas Idiomas. Mi meta en la vida es aprender por lo menos 4 idiomas, cada vez que hablo con algun amigo extranjero que habla mas de 3 idiomas me sorprende y me da ánimos para que yo también pueda aprender, si ellos pueden yo también puedo y cualquier persona también puede.
Este fin de semana lei el blog de una persona holandesa que escribe en portugués y el decía que para aprender un idioma tienes que escuchar el idioma aunque no lo entiendas. El se compró unos audífonos inalámbricos para escuchar 5 horas continuas de tv en portugués, se me hace un poco daniño para los oidos ya que si usas mucho los audífonos puedes ir perdiendo la audición gradualmente, por otro lado los dialogos que usan en los programas de tv son dialogos que están adaptados para que cualquier persona nativa del idioma los entiendan, asi que son diálogos comunes y corrientes. Estoy de acuerdo en que entre mas horas le dediques a escuchar y a practicar un idioma mas pronto lo vas a aprender. También creo que hay personas que se les facilita aprender idiomas, es como un don que ya se trae, es como las matemáticas, algunos son muy buenos y otros no lo son.

Espero que tengan un excelente inicio de semana, cuidense, abriguense muy bien y seguimos en contacto. Dejen sus comentarios. Saludos

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Learning methods

I've been learning English for almost 16 years but I haven't been consistent for many reasons that I'm going to mention.
1. The study program just lasted 4.5 years of English at highschool + 2 years at the university.
2. It wasn't necessary at that age.
3. Lack of motivation.
4. One entrepreneur I met said that learning English was a waste of time. I took that bad advice.
5. English courses and materials are pretty expensive. I couldn't afford them.
6. I had bad English teachers.
7. I didn't have access to the Internet.

Well those were some reasons why I wasn't interested in learning English. However, all that time spent in it, it actually help me nowadays. Although I am not fluent yet I can understand 80% and I can speak the basis.
English is required in a lot of jobs because the business are international you have always to deal with the customers, workers, managers, suppliers, etc. and plenty of the information is in English.
I agree with the program total immersion, I think it's the best to learn a language but sometimes you need a teacher to explain you at least the basis of the language.
The languages that I tried to learn are:
1. English. I'm still working on learning it, because there are a lot of vocabulary and expressions that I haven't mastered yet. I'm not fluent yet.
2. German. I studied it for a week, but I really got mixed up my mind with English language and I quit because It's not easy to get a german friend to talk to.
3. Chinese. I started to learn chinese 2 years ago because I ran across some voicerooms on the web and a chinese school taught it online. It seemed to be interesting for me, but that only lasted few weeks the voiceroom was canceled and I had many chinese friends but due to the time It was difficult for me to talked to them. I stopped to learn it for a while but I still learn it from time to time.
4. Portuguese. I took some online lessons and It really worthed it. Because it is a roman language I was familiar with the language, and I learned the basis quickly. I just study it for fun from time to time. I have many brazilian friends who I can talk to. Sometime I ended talking in portunhol (a mix of portugues and spanish).

The keys of learning a language are:

A) You have to speak it as much as you can although you don't have plenty of vocabulary.
B) Listen to any audio in that language.
C) Speak with natives speakers.
D) Write a lot.
E) Chat.
F) Motivate yourself.
G) Be consistent.
H) It's better to study 1 hour a day than 5 hours in one day.

What do you think about it?
I'll be looking forward to hearing news from you, feel free to leave any comment. See you next time.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Gratitude for my visitors

I'm very thankful for my visitors. I just checked the statistics of my site and It's awesome. It cheer me up knowing that many people from diferent countries visit my blog. Sometimes I've been so busy to update it, so sorry for the delay.

I started writing here as a way to ease my stress and It definitely works. It's like when you want to tell somebody about your concerns but there's no one to talk about it. So It's a way to reflect.

Please feel free to leave comments. I want to know the topics you like. I'd be glad to know more about you.

Have a good day! Be happy! = )

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The mean law

Hi everybody, how are you?
It's been a long year since I wrote the last note.

Everyday I have to make choices, do this or do that or do nothing. I've been reading and listening a lot of material related to business, marketing, business. And one of that material downed on me that we need to be prepared for the inevitable. This year I wasn't prepared for the inevitable and suddenly I felt guilty for not being prepared. But at least I learned that.

I'm going to mention a parable about a sower that was a wise, and ambitious man. This sower went to work. Work is needed to make seeds grow. Ideas without working born dead or death. He had the best seeds (a person feels good when has something good for example: a good company, a good product,etc). Now it starts the mean law (la ley de los promedios). The first part of seeds that he sowed fell over the sides and the birds eat them. The birds are the Inevitable. The birds are going to eat a part of seeds. The birds are people that tell you that you can't do it. So you have 2 options, 1. You can get rid of the birds hounting them but you're going to leave the field and the mean law is not going to work, you have to know in what things are you going to spend your time and in what things are you not going to waiste your time. 2. You can focus on sowing the field.

The wise man ignored the birds and continued sowing the field. He kept sowing and the seeds fell over the roky ground (the inevitable). The plants grow and when it's hot they dry.

He kept sowing and the seeds fell over the pricky ground. The plants grow and the spines suffocate and kill the plants. The spines are worries. Study the obvious so that you can overcome the most important parts of your life.

The sower knows the amount of seeds the birds are going to eat, how many are going to dry, and how many are going to suffocate.

The seeds fell over the good ground and it's always to be in that way. If you share an idea frecuently with the people they are going to get it. Part of the field produced 30%, 60% and 100% that's the mean law. Can you find one that produces 100%? Yes you can, but you have to go through the 30%, 60%, stand the birds, the hot and the worries, and you have to know the mean law so you can get the 100%.

So my conclusion is that you have to be focus on the things you want, keep working on it, and be prepared for the inevitable. Understand te numbers how many successes you have in a certain amount of attempts. Sooner or later you're going to get the results.

It's a basic and good knowledge. It was worth studying. =) Enjoy it (=

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


When you don't know a person you'd better not comment about personal things. Avoid talking about private life, religion and politics. Try to seem neutral and don't say things that a stubborn guy cannot understand. When a person is stiff-necked you have no chance to explain the misunderstanding, so that's why you'd better be careful and reserved about all the things you say.

I'll translate an email I got about the garbage truck

Con que frecuencia permites que las majaderias de otras personas cambien tu estado de animo? te das permiso de enojarte cuando otro conductor te agrede por un error de transito, o un mesero grosero te trata irrespetuosamente, un jefe exigente te pide mas de lo que te corresponde hacer o cuando un compañero de trabajo te arruina el dia?
How often do you permit that curse words of other people change your mood? You permit yourself to get angry when other driver
Lo que realmente distingue a una persona exitosa es, el control que tenga sobre el manejo de la ira. Hace 16 años aprendi esta leccion. Me la enseñaron en un asiento trasero de un taxi en nueva york.

Me subi a un taxi y partimos rumbo a la direccion que le indique al conductor, ibamos en el carril derecho cuando de repente un choque salió de no se donde; el taxista frenó subitámente, se oyó el rechinar de las llantas y a escasos centímetros evitó chocar con el otro auto. El conductor del coche que casi causa el accidente, empezó a gritarnos con una serie de malas palabras altisonantes.
El taxista solo sonrió y le saludó amable. Asi que yo sorprendido le pregunte ¿Por qué hace eso? Ese tipo por poco destruye su taxi y nos manda directito al hospital.
Entonces el taxista me dio la lección mas bella de mi vida, la que ahora yo llamo "La ley del camion de basura". Muchas personas me dijo: son como un camión de basura. Están llenos de enojo, frustracion y desaliento. Una vez que han acumulado mucha basura, necesitan un lugar en donde tirarla y si uno se lo permite, te la palean a ti.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

job interview vocabulary

When applying for a job there's always at least one interview, so that's why I need to learn the most common questions.

1. Tell me about yourself.
I'm __, I like to___, I'm good at __, etc.

2. What were your main responsibilities in your last job?
I was in charge of __
I trained people __
Created work schedules.
Managed __

3. What's your biggest accomplishment?
I was in charge of ___ where I had to __ . Firstly ___, Second__, then,

4.What are your greatest strenghts and weaknesses?
Strenghts : Organized, Tidy, Smart, I'm able to work not only in team but also alone

Weaknesses: I have a tendency to __, I'm a kind of perfectionist, I tend to check __ etc.

5. Why do you want to work in this company?

6. Why did you leave your last job?

7.When can you start?
Inmediatly, I need x weeks notice,

8. Do you have any questions?

Are there job careers in the company?
Is there any training opportunities?
Could you tell me what hours I'd have to work?
When will I know If I've been successful? When will you make a decision?

Can you tell me what made you reply to our advertisement?

I'm working on this entry, It's not finished yet.

Friday, August 6, 2010

English 1 and Spanish translation 1

Hi guys, how have you been?
I recorded to myself a couple of days as a way to move my mouth and tongue. It's necessary to speak english as much as I can so this is a good way.
If you notice a mistake please feel free to comment this entry. Thanks.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


My brother and I went to the gas station to put some gasoline in the car. My bro pushed the wrong button and opened the trunk instead of opening the lid of the gas tank. I told him to close the trunk and he got out of the car and checked if the trunk was open but he was careless and did nothing, he got in the car and after driving one block the dashboard was blinking that meant the trunk was open so he parked the car and I got out to close the trunk.
Could you tell me the attitude of people like that? It's like lazy, procrastinator, something like that. Can someone help me with it?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I'm drifting

It's been a long time since I wrote the last entry to my blog.
Things aren't working as I thought, so I'm drifting now. I have few options to get a job, one is to pay a bunch of dolars to apply for a job in a customs house checking containers and cargo. The advantage is a good salary, the drawback is that the job could be in the border in a dangerous and violent city. So sometimes I think that life worths more than money.
The next option is to move to another city, rent a flat for a month and hand in CVs and go to all the interviews, etc. and well I may do that.
Changing a little bit the topic today I talked to my british friend and well she's interested in learning my language and I need to learn her language so I'll prepare something so that both of us can master our second languages. So I think that it's by far better to talk to her instead of wasting my time on paltalk chating with non native speakers.
I'm starving so I'll get something to dine. So see you later.

Friday, April 2, 2010

a month

This may be my last month off. I've been focusing on English pronunciation and vocabulary for my new job. It'll be a big challenging so I hope I can comunicate very well with my boss.
I found a new application on my pc and it's a tool to record your voice, so I think a good idea to improve my pronunciation is to record myself speaking, over and over again until i pronounce the sentences well. I think the key is to listen a lot of audio, I came across with good videos on youtube. I'll uploaded the links soon.
It's been a lot of time since i wrote here the last time. I was focused more on portuguese than in English but Portuguese can wait for now.
I'm still sleepy, I may take a rest at least an hour and be right back. Catch you later.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I feel quite annoyed and disappointed about the power that a group of people have in the world. You can look at this disposing of humans in every city, state, country, organization,etc, They are everywhere, and always take advantage of any situation to fill their pockets with the people's money. They don't care neither people, nature nor animals. This world is really beautiful , enchanting, a great place to live, and It could be better if this kind of disposing of humans don't exist, really we wouldn't have wars, hunger, assessinations, crime, violence, excessive exploitation of natural resources, pooverty.
We live in a place full of lies, there's any truth, everything that we know about wars, sept 11th, H1N1, lack of honesty,
policys, etc. is a shit. Just think about who create that and why? the answer is themselves to take money.
I've told a lot of
prophecies so I hope that God helps us and most of the people change their minds to make a better world. We need to get rid off that people.

Please don't be one of those crap of people.

Friday, January 1, 2010

portuguese conversations 5

Oi Tudo bem?
feliz ano novo atrasado.

mesmo? O que aconteceu?
nossa! intoxicação alimentar? meu irmão também!

Meu irmão ficava horas no banheiro! xD

Isso eu tenho que concordar contigo.
Não é fácil! xd
Mas vc está melhor?

sim eu estou um pouco melhor

que bom! xD

Com paciência tu conseguirás.

eu fiquei a maior parte do tempo em casa. Só saí pra ver os fogos lá no parque!
mas quando cheguei, não vimos ninguém lá estava com a minha prima.

fogos de artifício

fuegos artificiales /cohetes

credo!! acalme-se!
Deixe a ressaca pra outro dia! kkk

mas eu não pude

ressaca = hangover.

então! xD são palavras parecidas.

credo is like "gosh"
it's an expression

mas "credo" também significa "creed"
Credo for slang, and Credo for a common word.

es parecido.

crença, credo....e assim vai.

ha ok
tenho um pouco de frio
o que é melancia?

aqui está frio porque está chovendo.

Some portuguese verbs

Verbo Fazer...

Gerúndio: fazendo
Particípio passado: feito

Presente Pretérito perfeito Pretérito imperfeito
eu faço eu fiz eu fazia
tu fazes tu fizeste tu fazias
ele/ela faz ele/ela fez ele/ela fazia
nós fazemos nós fizemos nós fazíamos
vós fazeis vós fizestes vós fazíeis
eles/elas fazem eles/elas fizeram eles/elas faziam

Verbo Ser...

Gerúndio: sendo
Particípio passado: sido
Presente Pretérito perfeito Pretérito imperfeito
eu sou eu fui eu era
tu és tu foste tu eras
ele/ela é ele/ela foi ele/ela era
nós somos nós fomos nós éramos
vós sois vós fostes vós éreis
eles/elas são eles/elas foram eles/elas eram

Verbo Comer...

Gerúndio: comendo
Particípio passado: comido
Presente Pretérito perfeito Pretérito imperfeito
eu como eu comi eu comia
tu comes tu comeste tu comias
ele/ela come ele/ela comeu ele/ela comia
nós comemos nós comemos nós comíamos
vós comeis vós comestes vós comíeis
eles/elas comem eles/elas comeram eles/elas comiam

Verbo Querer...

Gerúndio: querendo
Particípio passado: querido
Presente Pretérito perfeito Pretérito imperfeito
eu quero eu quis eu queria
tu queres tu quiseste tu querias
ele/ela quer ele/ela quis ele/ela queria
nós queremos nós quisemos nós queríamos
vós quereis vós quisestes vós queríeis
eles/elas querem eles/elas quiseram eles/elas queriam

Verbo Poder...

Gerúndio: podendo
Particípio passado: podido
Presente Pretérito perfeito Pretérito imperfeito
eu posso eu pude eu podia
tu podes tu pudeste tu podias
ele/ela pode ele/ela pôde ele/ela podia
nós podemos nós pudemos nós podíamos
vós podeis vós pudestes vós podíeis
eles/elas podem eles/elas puderam eles/elas podiam

Verbo Estar...

Gerúndio: estando
Particípio passado: estado
Presente Pretérito perfeito Pretérito imperfeito
eu estou eu estive eu estava
tu estás tu estiveste tu estavas
ele/ela está ele/ela esteve ele/ela estava
nós estamos nós estivemos nós estávamos
vós estais vós estivestes vós estáveis
eles/elas estão eles/elas estiveram eles/elas estavam

Verbo Pegar...

Gerúndio: pegando
Particípio passado: pegado
PresentePretérito perfeitoPretérito imperfeito
nóspegamosnóspegámos / pegamos (Br)nóspegávamos

1. Verbs -ar ending.
2. Verbs -er ending.
3. Verbs -ir ending.

Quick reference

Non-Finite Forms
Infinitive Past Participle Gerund
Tu -a
Vós -ai

Indicative Subjunctive Future Subj. or
Personal Infin.
Per. Present Preterite Imperfect Pluperfect Future Conditional Present Imperfect
Eu -o -ei
Tu -as
Ele -a
Nós -amos
or -amos(2)
Vós -ais
Eles -am
  1. European Portuguese
  2. Brazilian Portuguese

The fist song I listened to.

It seems I don't have anything good to do, and up to a point that's correct. Today after having a terrible night full of diarrhea and food poisoning finally I woke up and now I feel better.
And well I was playing music challenge and there I listened to Nelly Furtado shit on the radio. So I'll write the lyrics, I'll put myself to the test.

I'll do it later... there's too much noise at the room.

Shit on the radio.

You liked me to 'till you