como vai?
muito bem e vc?
eu estou bem
feliz ano novo
desejo o mesmo pra vc
muita saúde paz sucesso
e etc
você é amiga de carolina ?
muito obrigado
ah sim
vc se lembra?
ela é minha amiga sim
eu falei com vocês
vc é aquele q estuda na uerj?
ou estou enganada?
se estiver me perdoe
eu sou mexicano
ah me desculpe
no há problema
devo ter confundido
meu português é malo
acho q lembro agora
seu portugues é ótimo
não se preocupe quanto a isso
é por que eu estou escrevendo
mas sé eu falo meu pronunça é mala
mas tudo requer pratica
você tem nice lips
prefere dizer nice lips do que lindos lábios??
estou feliz hj
eu não se como se diz isso
lindos lábios
é similar ao espahol
ah sim
dizem que o portugues é umas das linguas mais dificeis de se aprender
me refiro às regras
são muitas palavras homônimas
que têm a msm escrita mas significam coisas totalmente diferentes
mas imagina japones
e um japones cego
sim pero o gosto de português
e da brasileiras
brasileiras motivate me
to learn portugues
learn= aprender
Heldeanne says:
mas é interessante
es igual en español
mas não aprenda só por causa das mulheres
se vocÊ vier as Rio nunca mais vai querer ir embora
que é embora?
você mora no Rio? Correto?
Embora= but
tipo um sinônimo
sim é bunda. kk
o pero?
não entendi
embora é um sinônimo de mas?
quando vc quer contradizer algo
estudei muito para a prova, embora não ter passado na prova
é quando vc não esperava por algo
oq cv quis dizer com "bunda"
butt = bunda
pero eu estuve errado
embora é como however
isso msmo
melhor explicado
vc é um bom aluno
bunda = ass
isso q vc disse?
sim isso é
eu tenho um amigo brasileiro que me ensena gírias
mas não entendo todo
cuidado com o q ele te ensina
joga no tradutor primeiro
gírias é o que mais tem
o pais da censura
kkkk sim
como eu poddo conjugar o verbs
I don't know how to write in past
ah sim
no passado é totalmente diferente
eu amei
tu amaste
ele amou
nós amamos
amar -- amei
comer ---
são verbos regulares?
tem os de primeira segunda e terceira conjugação
no portugues não tem verbos regulares ou irregulares
melhor dizendo todos sao irregulares
e o pior é que tem um monte de tempo
alem do present past and futute
tem oh
eu não sou nada de gramatica
esse é o tempo da "condição"
no espanhol tem tbm?
nem no espanhol
eu não sei quase nada de espanhol
sim há mas eu não lembro
pra mim os dias da semana são nomes de planeta
mas portugues é chato pra caramba
ái vc fala "caramba"?
é quando cv quer dar ênfase
Heldeanne says:
é muiita coisa
nos quase não usamos isso
vc é bonito ´pra caramba
tipo assim
isso dize bart simpson
vc gosta?
sim eu gosto de os simpsons
nossa é muito chato
eles são amarelos
sem querer ofender
eu gosto de x men
ja sei ate as falas
de tanto passar repetido
vc fala chines tbm?
eu falo muito poco chinês
é uma lingua muito difícil
pelo menos fala alguma coisa
se eu parar na china
morro de sede fome
se não tiver ninguem q fale ingles
faço ideia
vc tem que dizer wo yao pijiu
que tal aprender chines em braille?
eu quero uma cerveja
I don't drink
muito dificil
just water
como é q é?
wo yao pijiu
depois de estar aprendendo português eu não aprendo chines
pi jiu é cerveja
essa é a pronuncia neh?
water não se
essa é a pronuncia
deve ser difícil
e a paciencia pra ficar escrevendo
ou melhor desenhando neh
posso fazer uma pergunta?
você pode
duas perguntas
qual é o seu nome?
meu nome é Ivan
eu não lembro
Bonito nome
e o seu nome?
O meu é Heldeanne
um prazer
mas me chamam de Heldy
o prazer é todo meu
não gostaria de entrar e tomar uma xicara de cafe?
muito obrigado eu gosto de entrar e tomar uma xicara de cafe com você
ah vc naum vê chaves
você é uma linda pessoa
é só brincadeira
sim eu assisto chaves
é muito engraçado
sua fala seria não sera um incômodo
vc é uma ótima pessoa tbm Ivan
que é bricadeira?
dificil de encontrar ultimamente
Ah sim
eu sempre aprendo algo novo batendo papo com brasileiros
é algo que não é sério
é como engraçado
mas a brincadeira manda uma lembrança pra vc
não ligue
às vezes eu sou um pouco sádica
não repare
eu lhe peço desculpas
mas vou ter que ir
quer dizer
pra vc é bom
eu não paro de falar
vou sair com meus amigos agora
você tem que sair?
foi um enorme prazer conversar com vc
sim sim
sair do msn
ok muito obrigado por tudo
vou sair com alguns amigos
foi um prazer
um prazer e feliz ano novo
espero poder falar com cv novamente
give my regards to Carolina
desejo o mesmo
ok I will
sim eu espero tambem
um bjo pra vc
um abraço e bejos
até logo
e aproveita bastante 2010
obrigado. até mais
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
This time I'm going to write some sentences in different languages.
1. Hello, how are you?
Hola, ¿cómo estás?
Oi / Olá como vai?
2. I'm fine, thanks. And you?
Estoy bien gracias. ¿Y tú?
Eu estou bem, obrigado. E você?
3. What's your job?
¿Cuál es tu trabajo? / ¿En qué trabajas?
Qual é seu emprego?
4. How old are you?
¿Cuántos años tienes?
¿Quantos anos você tem?
5. I'm 26 years old.
Tengo 26 años.
Eu tenho veinte e seis anos.
6. Who is he? / Who is she?
¿Quién es él? / ¿Quién es ella?
Quem é ele? / Quem é ela?
7. It's my father, mother, son, daughter, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, friend, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece.
Es mi padre, madre, hijo, hija, marido o esposo, esposa, novio, novia, amigo, abuela, abuelo, tío, tía, sobrino, sobrina.
É meu pai, filho, marido, namorado, amigo, avô, tio, sobrinho
É minha mãe, filha, esposa, nomorada, amiga, avó, tia, sobrinha
8. Do you want to be my girlfriend?
Quieres ser mi novia?
Você quer ser minha namorada?
Yes, I do / No, I don't
Si quiero / No, no quiero
Sim eu quero / Não, não quero.
9. I had the car washed today
Hoy llevé a lavar el auto.
10. I'll have the car washed on the weekend.
Voy a llevar el carro a lavar el fin de semana.
Vou levar me carro para lavar no fim de semana
I just had the car washed.
Acabo de llevar el carro a lavar.
1. Hello, how are you?
Hola, ¿cómo estás?
Oi / Olá como vai?
2. I'm fine, thanks. And you?
Estoy bien gracias. ¿Y tú?
Eu estou bem, obrigado. E você?
3. What's your job?
¿Cuál es tu trabajo? / ¿En qué trabajas?
Qual é seu emprego?
4. How old are you?
¿Cuántos años tienes?
¿Quantos anos você tem?
5. I'm 26 years old.
Tengo 26 años.
Eu tenho veinte e seis anos.
6. Who is he? / Who is she?
¿Quién es él? / ¿Quién es ella?
Quem é ele? / Quem é ela?
7. It's my father, mother, son, daughter, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, friend, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece.
Es mi padre, madre, hijo, hija, marido o esposo, esposa, novio, novia, amigo, abuela, abuelo, tío, tía, sobrino, sobrina.
É meu pai, filho, marido, namorado, amigo, avô, tio, sobrinho
É minha mãe, filha, esposa, nomorada, amiga, avó, tia, sobrinha
8. Do you want to be my girlfriend?
Quieres ser mi novia?
Você quer ser minha namorada?
Yes, I do / No, I don't
Si quiero / No, no quiero
Sim eu quero / Não, não quero.
9. I had the car washed today
Hoy llevé a lavar el auto.
10. I'll have the car washed on the weekend.
Voy a llevar el carro a lavar el fin de semana.
Vou levar me carro para lavar no fim de semana
I just had the car washed.
Acabo de llevar el carro a lavar.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Describing the national flag
One day I was talking to a Filipina friend and asked about the flag of my country and meanings. So I'm going to describe it.
The flag has 3 colors, green that stands for hope, white for purity, and red for union.
White is the purtity of the catholic faith, the red is the blood of the national heroes.
The coat is an image that represents what the Aztecs saw to settle in the land. The legend said that
the gods had advised the Aztecs that the place where they should establish their city was to be identified when they saw an eagle, perched on a prickly pear tree, devouring a serpent. They saw this mythical eagle on a marshy lake that is now the zócalo or main plaza in Mexico City.
I've read something about the meaning of the coat and well the eagle is the mexican town who can defeat the danger (the snake) and can stand any difficult situation (the prickly pear tree). Below the tree there are 2 branches, Laurel and Oak leaves encircling the Coat of Arms represent victory and the martyrdom of those who have given their lives for Mexico.
We have always to keep in mind that the eagle is each of us so we can defeat anything.
The flag has 3 colors, green that stands for hope, white for purity, and red for union.
White is the purtity of the catholic faith, the red is the blood of the national heroes.
The coat is an image that represents what the Aztecs saw to settle in the land. The legend said that
the gods had advised the Aztecs that the place where they should establish their city was to be identified when they saw an eagle, perched on a prickly pear tree, devouring a serpent. They saw this mythical eagle on a marshy lake that is now the zócalo or main plaza in Mexico City.
I've read something about the meaning of the coat and well the eagle is the mexican town who can defeat the danger (the snake) and can stand any difficult situation (the prickly pear tree). Below the tree there are 2 branches, Laurel and Oak leaves encircling the Coat of Arms represent victory and the martyrdom of those who have given their lives for Mexico.
We have always to keep in mind that the eagle is each of us so we can defeat anything.
Monday, December 28, 2009
portuguese conversations 3
estou gripado.
mas já tou tomando remédio.
sim que bom
você jantou muito em janta de natal?
jantei pouco... meu avô fez ceia de natal....eu fiquei pouco lá...eu tava passando mal.
aí, no dia seguinte ele preparou um almoço. mas eu não fui....eu tava passando mal...
tou passando mal há uma semana.
tou baixando gossip para mi prima....q saco...ella no me deja en paz.
bajando chismes?
gossip girl
é um seriado.
a tv serie
quantos anos tem ela?
é uma menina
eu lembro a sua prima a modelo
a minha prima modelo mora aqui em Goiania
essa outra mora em Jataí.
você ainda olha a sua prima?
tiene 13 anos
eu peguei essa menina aí!
la chica, no la vieja lol
e issa mesma
em duas fotos?
essa é a carol from Jataí, Goiás.
são pessoas diferentes.
quém é a menina na primeira foto?
uma é a renata (já peguei) xD
e a outra minha prima Carolina.
a modelo?
minha prima carol
essa não é a modelo
a modelo é a Jessyka.
quém é a menina joven de 13 anos?
a menina jovem de 13 anos, é a carol, minha prima.
mama mia, você tem primas belas
família de gente bonita é assim mesmo, né!
quero ir a goiania
nossa! aqui tem muita gata!!
você é meu primo
A cidade onde mais tem mulher bonita é aqui!
sim isso mesmo vou fazer
no centro-oeste brasileiro!
eu quero ir para goiania
sabe quien es esta?
la mama de carol
quantos anos tem seu prima renata?
ja veo
a renata não é minha prima. é só una chica que eu peguei.
ela era bela
sí, era.
mas você conoce renata?
pero hoy no está tan mal asó
we made out! xD
you got laid her?
got lay her
sleep with her?
wow que envidia jaja esta gostosisima
no...she's too young
não tive coragem!
quantos anos ela tem?
ela parece mais velha
sim...aparenta ser mais velha.
É uma tentação
falando em tentação, quero te mostra uma música que tem o mesmo nome.
vais gostar!
sim mostra-la
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHxoDP6UDTo é de um filme brasileiro. DOCE PAIXÃO! KKK
oye me tengo que ir
tengoq ue llevar a mi abuela c el doctor a las 6.30 y ya son las 6.15
eu viajando por isso feliz
e você onde estava na foto?
lugar mui belo
é a casa de minha avô
Ká_"a dúvida é o preço da pureza says:
Ká_"a dúvida é o preço da pureza says:
me ensina espanhol?
há um chaminé por atrás de meus
sim pergunta-me
que quieres aprender?
ya casi me tengo que ir a llevar a mi abuela al doctor
pero todavia no me Voy
que haces?
fazendo download de musicas
= bajando musica
o descargando música del internet
como dices eso en portugués¡
baixando musica=descarregando musica
si asi es
descargando o bajando música
que haces? o que andas haciendo? = o que você anda fazendo?
respuesta= estoy bajando musica
como dices lo mismo en porutgues?
mesma coisa
baxando musica?
baixando musica
bater papo = chatear
eu tenho que ir
até logo
até logo
estou gripado.
mas já tou tomando remédio.
sim que bom
você jantou muito em janta de natal?
jantei pouco... meu avô fez ceia de natal....eu fiquei pouco lá...eu tava passando mal.
aí, no dia seguinte ele preparou um almoço. mas eu não fui....eu tava passando mal...
tou passando mal há uma semana.
tou baixando gossip para mi prima....q saco...ella no me deja en paz.
bajando chismes?
gossip girl
é um seriado.
a tv serie
quantos anos tem ela?
é uma menina
eu lembro a sua prima a modelo
a minha prima modelo mora aqui em Goiania
essa outra mora em Jataí.
você ainda olha a sua prima?
tiene 13 anos
eu peguei essa menina aí!
la chica, no la vieja lol
e issa mesma
em duas fotos?
essa é a carol from Jataí, Goiás.
são pessoas diferentes.
quém é a menina na primeira foto?
uma é a renata (já peguei) xD
e a outra minha prima Carolina.
a modelo?
minha prima carol
essa não é a modelo
a modelo é a Jessyka.
quém é a menina joven de 13 anos?
a menina jovem de 13 anos, é a carol, minha prima.
mama mia, você tem primas belas
família de gente bonita é assim mesmo, né!
quero ir a goiania
nossa! aqui tem muita gata!!
você é meu primo
A cidade onde mais tem mulher bonita é aqui!
sim isso mesmo vou fazer
no centro-oeste brasileiro!
eu quero ir para goiania
sabe quien es esta?
la mama de carol
quantos anos tem seu prima renata?
ja veo
a renata não é minha prima. é só una chica que eu peguei.
ela era bela
sí, era.
mas você conoce renata?
pero hoy no está tan mal asó
we made out! xD
you got laid her?
got lay her
sleep with her?
wow que envidia jaja esta gostosisima
no...she's too young
não tive coragem!
quantos anos ela tem?
ela parece mais velha
sim...aparenta ser mais velha.
É uma tentação
falando em tentação, quero te mostra uma música que tem o mesmo nome.
vais gostar!
sim mostra-la
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHxoDP6UDTo é de um filme brasileiro. DOCE PAIXÃO! KKK
oye me tengo que ir
tengoq ue llevar a mi abuela c el doctor a las 6.30 y ya son las 6.15
eu viajando por isso feliz
e você onde estava na foto?
lugar mui belo
é a casa de minha avô
Ká_"a dúvida é o preço da pureza says:
Ká_"a dúvida é o preço da pureza says:
me ensina espanhol?
há um chaminé por atrás de meus
sim pergunta-me
que quieres aprender?
ya casi me tengo que ir a llevar a mi abuela al doctor
pero todavia no me Voy
que haces?
fazendo download de musicas
= bajando musica
o descargando música del internet
como dices eso en portugués¡
baixando musica=descarregando musica
si asi es
descargando o bajando música
que haces? o que andas haciendo? = o que você anda fazendo?
respuesta= estoy bajando musica
como dices lo mismo en porutgues?
mesma coisa
baxando musica?
baixando musica
bater papo = chatear
eu tenho que ir
até logo
até logo
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Prepositions nouns / Noun prepositions
I paid the bill by check.
I broke the vase by accident.
I'm afraid I brought the wrong book by mistake.
I saw Jack at the supermarket by chance.
The opera 'Otello' is by Giuseppe Verdi.
Let's go for a walk.
We went for a swim as soon as we arrived.
Would you like to come over for a drink?
I'd love to come for a visit sometime.
I had bacon and eggs for breakfast.
I fell in love with my wife at first sight.
In my opinion, we need to invest in some development.
Help! The house is on fire!
I think Tom is on the phone at the moment.
There is a good film on television tonight.
Mahler's fifth was on the radio last night.
I really need to go on a diet.
The sanitary engineers have gone on strike again.
I really need to go on vacation soon.
He went away this weekend on business.
We were on a trip this past weekend.
Have you ever been on a tour of the French countryside?
We went on an excursion to Versailles when we were in Paris.
She gave me a check for $50.
Unfortunately, there wasn't enough demand for our product.
There is a real need for discipline in this class.
I have a reason for doing that!
There has been a rise in prices recently.
We have seen many increases in production levels.
There has been a fall in prices recently.
We have seen many decreases in production levels.
She is the cause of all his problems.
He took a photograph of the mountains.
I did a lot of damage to my car the other day.
We were invited to their wedding.
Her reaction to his behavior was quite funny.
He provided the solution to our financial situation.
Your attitude to your problems doesn't help them get resolved.
My relationship with Mary is wonderful.
His connections with the CIA are very limited.
Have you had any contact with Sarah?
There is no connection between the two crimes.
The relationship between the two friends was very strong.
There is little contact between the two parents.
There is no difference between those two colors.
I broke the vase by accident.
I'm afraid I brought the wrong book by mistake.
I saw Jack at the supermarket by chance.
The opera 'Otello' is by Giuseppe Verdi.
Let's go for a walk.
We went for a swim as soon as we arrived.
Would you like to come over for a drink?
I'd love to come for a visit sometime.
I had bacon and eggs for breakfast.
I fell in love with my wife at first sight.
In my opinion, we need to invest in some development.
Help! The house is on fire!
I think Tom is on the phone at the moment.
There is a good film on television tonight.
Mahler's fifth was on the radio last night.
I really need to go on a diet.
The sanitary engineers have gone on strike again.
I really need to go on vacation soon.
He went away this weekend on business.
We were on a trip this past weekend.
Have you ever been on a tour of the French countryside?
We went on an excursion to Versailles when we were in Paris.
She gave me a check for $50.
Unfortunately, there wasn't enough demand for our product.
There is a real need for discipline in this class.
I have a reason for doing that!
There has been a rise in prices recently.
We have seen many increases in production levels.
There has been a fall in prices recently.
We have seen many decreases in production levels.
She is the cause of all his problems.
He took a photograph of the mountains.
I did a lot of damage to my car the other day.
We were invited to their wedding.
Her reaction to his behavior was quite funny.
He provided the solution to our financial situation.
Your attitude to your problems doesn't help them get resolved.
My relationship with Mary is wonderful.
His connections with the CIA are very limited.
Have you had any contact with Sarah?
There is no connection between the two crimes.
The relationship between the two friends was very strong.
There is little contact between the two parents.
There is no difference between those two colors.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Used to / Be used to / Get used to
Used to
I used to play a lot.
I don't play a lot anymore.
I no longer play a lot.
I used to practice regularly.
I didn't use to complain about not having time to practice
Did you use to play a lot?
Didn't you use to take lessons?
How often did you use to play?
Be use to + ing / noun / pronoun
My fingers aren't used to moving that fast.
I'm not used to performing on camera.
I'm used to my electronic keyboard.
Get use to + ing / noun
Get use to + Ing form of verb
I'll get use to working long shifts.
I need to get use to the weather of England.
I used to play a lot.
I don't play a lot anymore.
I no longer play a lot.
I used to practice regularly.
I didn't use to complain about not having time to practice
Did you use to play a lot?
Didn't you use to take lessons?
How often did you use to play?
Be use to + ing / noun / pronoun
My fingers aren't used to moving that fast.
I'm not used to performing on camera.
I'm used to my electronic keyboard.
Get use to + ing / noun
Get use to + Ing form of verb
I'll get use to working long shifts.
I need to get use to the weather of England.
More words / grammar
Today i cleaned my room and i bumped into some cards with some english words. So i'm going to share them for you.
They will ground me for life.
It all comes down to = It's simply a matter of.
Leave it up to someone = Let someone responsible for a job.
Can you fix me up? = Can you give me some accomodation.
Aren't you tired of fixing up things?
That's sorted then = It's arranged.
Have you sorted out the problem with your boss? = Have you solved the problem with your boss?
Can you picked me up at 6:00 pm? I dropped my book and picket it up.
To make ends meet
Settle down
Wait for the audience to settle down before you start your speech.
aisle /aIl/
bouquet of flowers /bu´keI/
get in/into the car, lift, elevator
get on the plane, train, bus
The lesser of two evils.
What are you up to? = What are you doing?
I'm fed up with ___ing
There's no point in sulking
To pay an arm and a leg to have it repaired
Take something for granted
Let's get down to business.
Let down
I trusted you and you let me down.
Stop horsing around!
Bring up
Bring me up.
I'd rather you didn't bring that subject up.
If anyone arrives drunk, don't let them in.
a pain in the neck.
It has to do with = It's related to.
Would you rather have tea or coffee? Coffee, please.
I'd rather not go out tonight.
I'd rather stay home than go to the movies.
Such + adjective + noun
Paris is such a beautiful city.
So + adjective
It's so depressing.
So + adverb
He walked so quickly.
Although / Even though + S + V
Although / Even though It was raining, we went out.
In spite of / Despite + Noun
In spite of / Despite the rain, we went out.
In spite of /Despite being sick, Sara went out.
Was / Were going to + base form
I was going to live in USA, but i didn't get the VISA.
Less & Fewer
Less (Sustantivos no contables)
Fewer (sustantivos contables en plural)
It takes less time to get there since there are fewer cars in March.
I'm no longer bored at work.
I no longer have to get up early.
He can no longer play the guitar.
When did you last eat spaghetti?
When were you last elected Mayor?
Last before the verb means the last time that
When did you first go?
When did you first speak English?
When were you first promoted?
First before the verb means the first time that
They will ground me for life.
It all comes down to = It's simply a matter of.
Leave it up to someone = Let someone responsible for a job.
Can you fix me up? = Can you give me some accomodation.
Aren't you tired of fixing up things?
That's sorted then = It's arranged.
Have you sorted out the problem with your boss? = Have you solved the problem with your boss?
Can you picked me up at 6:00 pm? I dropped my book and picket it up.
To make ends meet
Settle down
Wait for the audience to settle down before you start your speech.
aisle /aIl/
bouquet of flowers /bu´keI/
get in/into the car, lift, elevator
get on the plane, train, bus
The lesser of two evils.
What are you up to? = What are you doing?
I'm fed up with ___ing
There's no point in sulking
To pay an arm and a leg to have it repaired
Take something for granted
Let's get down to business.
Let down
I trusted you and you let me down.
Stop horsing around!
Bring up
Bring me up.
I'd rather you didn't bring that subject up.
If anyone arrives drunk, don't let them in.
a pain in the neck.
It has to do with = It's related to.
Would you rather have tea or coffee? Coffee, please.
I'd rather not go out tonight.
I'd rather stay home than go to the movies.
Such + adjective + noun
Paris is such a beautiful city.
So + adjective
It's so depressing.
So + adverb
He walked so quickly.
Although / Even though + S + V
Although / Even though It was raining, we went out.
In spite of / Despite + Noun
In spite of / Despite the rain, we went out.
In spite of /Despite being sick, Sara went out.
Was / Were going to + base form
I was going to live in USA, but i didn't get the VISA.
Less & Fewer
Less (Sustantivos no contables)
Fewer (sustantivos contables en plural)
It takes less time to get there since there are fewer cars in March.
I'm no longer bored at work.
I no longer have to get up early.
He can no longer play the guitar.
When did you last eat spaghetti?
When were you last elected Mayor?
Last before the verb means the last time that
When did you first go?
When did you first speak English?
When were you first promoted?
First before the verb means the first time that
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Conditionals / wishes
Type 0 (situaciones verdaderas)
If clause Main clause
If + Present tense , Present tense
If you freeze water , it turns into ice.
If you heat water , it boils.
Type 1 (situación real o posible)
If + Present tense , will / can / may / must + verb
If they don't want to go out, they can stay home.
If they don't come here, we'll have to go there.
If it rains today, I'll stay at home.
Type 2 (situación hipotética)
If + Past Simple , would / could / might + verb
If I were in Brazil, I would go to Rio de Janeiro.
If they worked for that company, they might have better salaries.
Type 3 (situación pasada)
If + Past Perfect tense , would/could/might + have + past participle
If they hadn't drunk so much last night, they wouldn't have felt dizzy today.
If he had worked more, he could have saved more money.
Unless - a menos que
Unless we book now, we won't find a place to stay
Provided/ing (that) - siempre y cuando
Provided/ing he doesn't misbehave, Paul won't be expelled from our school.
You can go to Spain, provided that you get good grades at school.
As long as - siempre y cuando
I'll help you with Biology, as long as you help me with French.
Dan will come as long as he finishes early at the office.
However/No matter how, Whoever, Whichever
Grandpa will never hear you, however loud you talk.
No matter how fast I run, I can never beat Jordan.
Whoever comes to see me, tell them I'm not home.
Whichever way you choose, I'll go with you.
I wish I were rich (but I am not)
I wish you were beautiful.
I wish I hadn't drunk so much beer last night.
I wish I had learned English when I was at school.
I wish this computer would stop crashing.
If clause Main clause
If + Present tense , Present tense
If you freeze water , it turns into ice.
If you heat water , it boils.
Type 1 (situación real o posible)
If + Present tense , will / can / may / must + verb
If they don't want to go out, they can stay home.
If they don't come here, we'll have to go there.
If it rains today, I'll stay at home.
Type 2 (situación hipotética)
If + Past Simple , would / could / might + verb
If I were in Brazil, I would go to Rio de Janeiro.
If they worked for that company, they might have better salaries.
Type 3 (situación pasada)
If + Past Perfect tense , would/could/might + have + past participle
If they hadn't drunk so much last night, they wouldn't have felt dizzy today.
If he had worked more, he could have saved more money.
Unless - a menos que
Unless we book now, we won't find a place to stay
Provided/ing (that) - siempre y cuando
Provided/ing he doesn't misbehave, Paul won't be expelled from our school.
You can go to Spain, provided that you get good grades at school.
As long as - siempre y cuando
I'll help you with Biology, as long as you help me with French.
Dan will come as long as he finishes early at the office.
However/No matter how, Whoever, Whichever
Grandpa will never hear you, however loud you talk.
No matter how fast I run, I can never beat Jordan.
Whoever comes to see me, tell them I'm not home.
Whichever way you choose, I'll go with you.
Wish + Past simple
I wish I spoke English more fluently.I wish I were rich (but I am not)
I wish you were beautiful.
Wish + Past Perfect (deseo que no se cumplio en el pasado)
I wish I hadn't drunk so much beer last night.
I wish I had learned English when I was at school.
Wish + Would (para expresar desagrado)
I wish you would stop making that noise.I wish this computer would stop crashing.
Some verbs
Put off - posponer
Called off - Cancelar
Be fond of sb/sth - que te gusta algo o alguien.
Be keen on sb - que te gusta alguien.
What are you up to ? = What are you doing?
It's up to you - depende de ti.
wipe out- borrar
stab - apuñalar
toupee /toupei/ - peluquin
Of course i recognized you that's why i slammed the door on your face.
i had a stroke. Luckily my memories of you were wipped out.
He gives me the creeps ! - Me da escalofríos
I will stab Stan in my own daughter's weeding.
Let's go where we can get some privacy
The first thing you can do is get rid of that ridiculous toupee.
Called off - Cancelar
Be fond of sb/sth - que te gusta algo o alguien.
Be keen on sb - que te gusta alguien.
What are you up to ? = What are you doing?
It's up to you - depende de ti.
wipe out- borrar
stab - apuñalar
toupee /toupei/ - peluquin
Of course i recognized you that's why i slammed the door on your face.
i had a stroke. Luckily my memories of you were wipped out.
He gives me the creeps ! - Me da escalofríos
I will stab Stan in my own daughter's weeding.
Let's go where we can get some privacy
The first thing you can do is get rid of that ridiculous toupee.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
English verbs
Hi everyone long time no see. How have you been? This time i'm going to write a list of irregular verbs that are not common in a basic english level.
befall - sucederle/ocurrirle a
beget - engendrar
behold- contemplar/ mirar
bereave - afligir/desconsolar/perder un ser querido.
beseech - suplicar
bid - ordenar
bid - ofrecer
bind - atar, unir, encuadernar, comprometer
browbeat - intimidar
bust - romper, destrozar.
to go bust - irse a la ruina.
cast- echar, emitir un voto, moldear (metal).
chide - reprender
cleave - partirse, rajarse.
cling to - adherirse, aferrarse a.
dwell - morar, habitar.
flee - huir, escapar.
fling - lanzar, arrojar, tirar.
fling out - tirar cosas que no se quieren.
floodlight - iluminar con focos.
forbear - abstenerse.
God/Heaven forbid - Dios no lo quiera.
forsake - abandonar.
gainsay - contradecir, negar.
gird - burlarse-
hew - extraer, labrar.
inlay sth with sth - incrustar algo en algo.
knit - tejer, soldar (huesos)
leap - saltar, disparar (precios)
mow - segar (césped)
plead - defender, pretender, declarar.
rend - desgarrar.
rid of- librar de
get rid of - deshacerse de
rise - elevar, subir, salir (sol/luna)
shear - esquilar ovejas.
shed - deshacerse de (ropa), perder (accidentalmente), mudar de piel , derramar (lágrimas, sangre)
shit - cagarse (vulgar)
shoe = herrar (un caballo)
show - mostrar
show sb to = acompañar a alguien hasta (escoltandolo)
slay - matar, asesinar.
sling - lanzar, colgar.
slink - mover sigilosamente
slit - rajar, cortar. (ranura)
smite - golpear.
sow - sembrar
stick - pegar, adherir, atascarse (una puerta)
strew - desparramar, esparcir
stride - andar de zancadas.
strike - golpear, pegar, provocar.
string - atar con cuerda
strive - esforzarse.
swell - hincharse
swing - balancearse, columpiarse, girar, virar. (columpio)
thrive - crecer, prosperar economicamente.
throw - tirar, lanzar
thrust- empujar, impulsar, clavar.
tread /tred no suena la a/ - andar
wed - casarse
weep - llorar
wind - /waind pronunciacion/ - serpentear, enrrollar, girar llave.
wring - sacar, extraer, escurrir (ropa).
throw away - tirar, desperdiciar.
throw out - tirar, echar, votar, "despedirse"
throw up - vomitar
plead with sb to do sth - rogar
plead for - pedir.
Some other words
"don't make a big deal out of it".
"don't worry about it".
"ignore it".
to my mind = in my opinion.
"significant other" = "soul mate" = "other half".
podiatrist = foot-doctor
Sophia's been pilfering cheeseballs
pilfer - hurtar
miopia advanced
well when you get the prescription you can probably order them to your PO box address
presciption = graduación de los lentes
eye doctor = ophthalmologist = oftalmólogo.
the frames are expensive.
frames = armazón (de lentes)
contact lenses = lentes de contactos.
lenses = lentes (cristales, micas, etc)
landing pad & launch pad = pista de aterrizaje y de lanzamiento (plataforma de...)
gung ho = cuando alguien se emociona.
internal microphone
currency = moneda
saudi riyal
israeli shekel
ITL = italian lire
DRA = greek drachmas
Turkic countries
Persian Gulf
"it fills you up" = te llena
he feels you up = te palpa
a steep street
stubborn - testarudo
loose / wobbly = flojo
flirtateous = coqueta
set up
befall - sucederle/ocurrirle a
beget - engendrar
behold- contemplar/ mirar
bereave - afligir/desconsolar/perder un ser querido.
beseech - suplicar
bid - ordenar
bid - ofrecer
bind - atar, unir, encuadernar, comprometer
browbeat - intimidar
bust - romper, destrozar.
to go bust - irse a la ruina.
cast- echar, emitir un voto, moldear (metal).
chide - reprender
cleave - partirse, rajarse.
cling to - adherirse, aferrarse a.
dwell - morar, habitar.
flee - huir, escapar.
fling - lanzar, arrojar, tirar.
fling out - tirar cosas que no se quieren.
floodlight - iluminar con focos.
forbear - abstenerse.
God/Heaven forbid - Dios no lo quiera.
forsake - abandonar.
gainsay - contradecir, negar.
gird - burlarse-
hew - extraer, labrar.
inlay sth with sth - incrustar algo en algo.
knit - tejer, soldar (huesos)
leap - saltar, disparar (precios)
mow - segar (césped)
plead - defender, pretender, declarar.
rend - desgarrar.
rid of- librar de
get rid of - deshacerse de
rise - elevar, subir, salir (sol/luna)
shear - esquilar ovejas.
shed - deshacerse de (ropa), perder (accidentalmente), mudar de piel , derramar (lágrimas, sangre)
shit - cagarse (vulgar)
shoe = herrar (un caballo)
show - mostrar
show sb to = acompañar a alguien hasta (escoltandolo)
slay - matar, asesinar.
sling - lanzar, colgar.
slink - mover sigilosamente
slit - rajar, cortar. (ranura)
smite - golpear.
sow - sembrar
stick - pegar, adherir, atascarse (una puerta)
strew - desparramar, esparcir
stride - andar de zancadas.
strike - golpear, pegar, provocar.
string - atar con cuerda
strive - esforzarse.
swell - hincharse
swing - balancearse, columpiarse, girar, virar. (columpio)
thrive - crecer, prosperar economicamente.
throw - tirar, lanzar
thrust- empujar, impulsar, clavar.
tread /tred no suena la a/ - andar
wed - casarse
weep - llorar
wind - /waind pronunciacion/ - serpentear, enrrollar, girar llave.
wring - sacar, extraer, escurrir (ropa).
throw away - tirar, desperdiciar.
throw out - tirar, echar, votar, "despedirse"
throw up - vomitar
plead with sb to do sth - rogar
plead for - pedir.
Some other words
"don't make a big deal out of it".
"don't worry about it".
"ignore it".
to my mind = in my opinion.
"significant other" = "soul mate" = "other half".
podiatrist = foot-doctor
Sophia's been pilfering cheeseballs
pilfer - hurtar
miopia advanced
well when you get the prescription you can probably order them to your PO box address
presciption = graduación de los lentes
eye doctor = ophthalmologist = oftalmólogo.
the frames are expensive.
frames = armazón (de lentes)
contact lenses = lentes de contactos.
lenses = lentes (cristales, micas, etc)
landing pad & launch pad = pista de aterrizaje y de lanzamiento (plataforma de...)
gung ho = cuando alguien se emociona.
internal microphone
currency = moneda
saudi riyal
israeli shekel
ITL = italian lire
DRA = greek drachmas
Turkic countries
Persian Gulf
"it fills you up" = te llena
he feels you up = te palpa
a steep street
stubborn - testarudo
loose / wobbly = flojo
flirtateous = coqueta
set up
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