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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Let's learn some useful english "Maternity"

Hi everybody I'm back.

Today I'll write some things about vocabulary.

Maternity leave = Incapacidad por maternidad.

Give birth = Dar a luz.

She gave birth last night = Ella dió a luz anoche.

I have a craving for ice cream = Tengo un antojo de helado.

To be pregnant = Estar embarazada

She breastfeeds her daugher = Ella le da pecho a su hija. (Alimentar con el pecho)

diaper / nappy (BrE) = Pañal

There's a saying we say to refer when someone is a beginner or when something is in its beginning. "Estar en pañales"

[ciencia/industria] to be in its infancy

[persona] to be a novice o a beginner

cradle = cuna.

cradle = meser.

rocking chair = mesedora (silla).

feeding bottle / baby's bottle = biberón, mamila.

baby dummy = chupón.

Jessica is wearing a baby dummy in her mouth. She's cute, isn't it ?

baby bib = babero.

2 comentarios:

  1. Have you ever heard of the saying, "Wet behind the ears?" :)

  2. No I've never heard of it. But I'll find it out.
    Here you are : wet behind the ears - young and not experienced.

    That's "estar en pañales"
