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Monday, July 30, 2012

Sports - ¿Cuales son los deportes?

Today we will learn the name of the sports that there are in the olympics.

Archery - Tiro con arco
Athletics - Atletismo
Badminton - Badminton
Basketball - Basquetbol
Beach volleyball - Vóleibol de playa.
Boxing - Box
Canoe Slalom - Piragüismo en eslalon.
Canoe Sprint - Piragüismo en sprint
Cycling - BMX - Ciclismo BMX
Cycling - Mountain Bike - Ciclismo de montaña
Cycling - Road - Ciclismo en carretera
Cycling - Track - Ciclismo de ruta
Diving - Clavados
Equestrian - Ecuestre
Fencing - Esgrima
Football - Futbol
Gymnastics-Artistic - Gimnasia artística
Gymnastics- Rhythmic - Gimnasia rítmica
Handball - handball
Hockey - Hockey
Judo - Judo
Modern Pentathlon - Pentatlón moderno.
Rowig - Remo
Sailing - Vela
Shooting - Tiro
Swimming - Nado
Synchronised Swimming - Nado sincronizado.
Table Tennis - Tenis de mesa o ping pong
Taekwondo - Taekwondo
Tennis - Tenis
Trampoline - Trampolín / Cama elástica.
Triathlon - Triatlón
Volleyball - Vóleibol
Water polo - Water polo
Weightlifting - Levantamiento de pesas / Halterofília
Wrestling - Lucha

¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito? - ¿What's your favourite sport?

Sunday, July 29, 2012

La palabra del día

Find out - Descubrir, averiguarlo.

I'll find out what's going on - Descubriré/ Averiguaré que está pasando.

Hold on 20 minutes and I'll find it out - Espera 20 minutos y lo averiguaré.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

How to learn plenty of vocabulary

Hi guys. Today I'm going to teach you how to learn plenty of vocabulary.

We can start off with one word. Then we can look at the dictionary for compound words and words related to the word we learn.

For example:

Let's think about the word "Hand" (Mano). Now we can write down the words that are related to it.

Hand - Mano
Left/Right hand - Mano izquierda , mano derecha.
He's left-handed - El es zurdo (usa la mano izquierda).
She's right-handed - Ella es diestra (usa la mano derecha).
Hands off! - Quita las manos de ahi!
Hands up! - Arriba las manos!
To have my hands tied - Tener mis manos amarradas/atadas.
The hand of God - La mano de Dios.
Farm hand - Peón.
Hand in - Entregar.
Hand out - Repartir , distribuir.
Hand over - Pasarlo . Hand it over ! - Pásamelo.
Handbag - Bolsa.
Handshake - Apretón de manos.
To shake hands - Darse las manos.
Handwriting - Letra.
Handwriten - Escrito a mano.
Give me a hand - Échame una mano.
It's out of my hands - Está fuera de mis manos.
It's in hand - Está bajo control.
handcuffs - Esposas.

Now guys you can write down a list of words. You can comment and write examples in this blog.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Let's learn some useful english "Maternity"

Hi everybody I'm back.

Today I'll write some things about vocabulary.

Maternity leave = Incapacidad por maternidad.

Give birth = Dar a luz.

She gave birth last night = Ella dió a luz anoche.

I have a craving for ice cream = Tengo un antojo de helado.

To be pregnant = Estar embarazada

She breastfeeds her daugher = Ella le da pecho a su hija. (Alimentar con el pecho)

diaper / nappy (BrE) = Pañal

There's a saying we say to refer when someone is a beginner or when something is in its beginning. "Estar en pañales"

[ciencia/industria] to be in its infancy

[persona] to be a novice o a beginner

cradle = cuna.

cradle = meser.

rocking chair = mesedora (silla).

feeding bottle / baby's bottle = biberón, mamila.

baby dummy = chupón.

Jessica is wearing a baby dummy in her mouth. She's cute, isn't it ?

baby bib = babero.