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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ross Kemp Extreme world

I've been watching a British tv program with Ross Kemp who is an actor and has made roles as a ganster in the soap operas.
He has been in different places all over the world where there are troubles, such as violence, drugs dealing, deforestation, pollution, etc. One of his programs was shot in Ecuador, and Brazil. The big trouble in Ecuador is that one of the oil companies deforested a big area of the Amazon rain forest to drill and get the oil in the area, and this company made a ecocide dumping all the toxic waste in big ponds that kills all of the animal and vegetation around. It seems the government has done nothing to make the company clean up the zone. Then the second place is Brazil where the deforestation in the rain forest is vast, there are illegal sawmills in the area, and the police is trying to stop them but it seems they need more organization. A guy from greanpeace says that a tree makes more money than the drugs and that's why the people are destroying the forest. That's too sad because the rain forests absorbs a big amount of CO2 of the atmosphere. There are rangers who prefer to have cattle instead of rain forest and they say that if the world wants them to conserve the rain forest then they should pay for it, because everybody lives better than them and is polluting the world with the Air conditioners, cars, etc.

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