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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dale Carnegie

I've been reading a good book of Dale Carnegie. (Carnegui) And I was interested in knowing more about his life. Doing a quickly research I learned something about his life.
He was come from a poor family, that had a farm and breed pigs and they had to move because of the floods. They move to another place and there was a school in a city. He went to that school and could live in a city if he had the money but he didn't. He commuted from the farm to the school and vice versa riding a horse. He was ashamed because of his tight clothes.
He wanted to stand out from the crowd and realized that the only ones who stood out were the football players, basketball players and those who won oratory contests. He knew he wasn't good at sports so he participated in a oratory contest and studied a lot. He got prepared very well at nights and while he commuted. At the end he won the contest.
After finishing his studies he got a job in sales and had to visit all the rangers of the zone. He quit and went to another place by train, he didn't have money and made a deal to feed the animals in the freight car/wagon in exchange for his ticket. Then he got another job as a vendor of bacon, ham and cream. He went to different places by train. When his customers couldn't pay for the produce he took a dozen of shoes and sold to the train workers and with that money he paid back the company for the ham, bacon, etc. He did an excellent work and was promoted but he didn't accept and quit. Then he moved to NY to study and perform role plays for a while, he knew he wasn't good at it and quit. After that he got another job in sales, this time it was for selling trucks. He missed a lot the free time, and quit so that he could have time to write his books. He wanted to be a teacher and thought that he was really good at oratory. He asked for a job in a religious institution as a oratory teacher for businessmen and he wanted a wage of 2 dollars a day, but the institution didn't accept. He insisted again but he said that if he was successful at the courses then the institution had to pay him a percentage of it. He was very successful and wrote some books. After that time he was earning one dollar per minute for his courses.

One of the rearches that did the University in Chigado said that everybody was interested in:
1. Health
2. The ability to deal with the people.
3. the technique to get along well with people and influence on them.
4. They want to learn instructions that can be used inmediatly in business, social networks and at home.

So in at that time there wasn't any book about that. So that's why he wrote a useful book.
I think that everybody has a task in this life and Dale Carnegie found it. No matter how tough your life is you can get your objectives.

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