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Monday, August 31, 2009

The day that never comes lyrics

Born to push you around,
Better just stay down.
You pull away,
He hits the flesh,
You hit the ground.

Mouth so full of lies,
Tend to black your eyes.
Just keep them closed,
Keep praying,
Just keep waiting.

Waiting for the one!
The day that never comes!
When you stand up and feel the warmth!
But the sunshine never comes!

No the sun shine never comes.

Push you cross that line,
Just stay down this time.
Hide in yourself,
Crawl in yourself,
You'll have your time.

God I'll make them pay,
Take it back one day.
I'll end this day,
I'll splatter color on this grave. Salpicare de color en esta tumba.

Waiting for the one!
The day that never comes!
When you stand up and feel the warmth!
But the sunshine never comes!

Love is a four letter word!
And never spoken here!

Love is a four letter word!
Here in this prison!
I suffer this no longer!
I'll put an end to,
This I swear!
This I swear!
The sun will shine!
This I swear!
This I swear!
This I SWEAR!!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

the bakery

Hi everybody, i was reading an interesting magazine and i want to share some information that i might think is useful.

RSPCA - Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
I'm gonna ring the RSPCA and we'll have them round like a shot
mean-tight-fisted = opposite of generous.
split hairs- focus on insignificant differences.
to take pride in = be proud of
yeast = fungus that causes bread to expand.
spongy = esponjoso.
pittance - pathetic salary.
to cramp s.o.'s style = make s.o. feel uncomfortable.
let off = give me a break, don't pressure me.

Well the conversation was taken place in a bakery between 2 people, the owner's son called Terry, and a supervisor. There was a problem because Terry did his duties very bad that day so the supervisor talked to him and told him that he didn't put syrup to the dough so that they couldn't sell the bagels to the customers, and well Terry answered that he doesn't like to be a baker and he doesn't care to be here. He wants to be a jet fighter.
Terry says to the supervisor that he's a loser, earns a pittance and don't go any further. The supervisors says that working there is not a matter of money but a matter of enjoying the job.
Well at the end they come up with an agreement in which Terry is not gonna do anything in the job, and he is going to be out of the business during working hours and 5 minutes before ends his working time he will come back work from the streets to sign a book.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Interesting things

Well today i was talking to my aunt, and i realized that most of the women always admire people that they don't even know, for example, they always say that someone has a good car, a good job, a lot of money, and a lot of knowledge in a topic. Why the hell do they talk about the same? It's really boring!. Sorry for you girls, i hope not to talk with a girl about this.
Today apart from my tasks at job i had to do other tasks of purchasing. And i could say that it's really important to choose your suppliers in all the meanings, from the raw materials to the transportation. It always happens the same, we have the same troubles than ever. i wonder if this is going to change someday.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

new words

Cul de sac - Callejón sin salida
Slaughterhouse - Matadero
Cannon fodder - Carne de Cañon
Off license - Tienda de licores
Bathing suit
Bathing swim

Street island - Camellón
Whiz - Act of urinating
Radish - Rábano
Tinned tomato soup- Sopa de tomate enlatada.
Cleavage - /'kli:vɪdʒ/ n countable or uncountable
escote m

Greenery - Vegetation
Heavy goods vehicle- Lorry, truck
Gaming - Playing electronic games
Draught /draf:t/- draft. Flow of cold air.
To flicker (of flames) move erratically.
Draught-proofing strips- Tiras de hule espuma que se pone alrededor de puertas y ventanas.
Door-brush. -brush-like attachment to the bottom of a door that helps to exclude draughts.